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How Insights
are Shared

We protect the data you share with us

The personal information you choose to share with Survey Junkie is always protected. Our parent company, DISQO, packages data for its clients in a privacy-compliant way for market research purposes.

First, what does privacy-compliant mean?

online surveys privacy policy

How we protect your data

Every day, hundreds of thousands of people like you take surveys and share digital behaviors via the Survey Junkie platform.

Survey responses are directly collected by the party conducting the research. You choose what you want to share, and Survey Junkie only passes along encrypted data to protect your privacy.

If you choose to participate in Surf to Earn, digital activity is likewise encrypted to protect your privacy.

What is market research?

What is market research?

Every day, companies are looking for ways to improve the products and services they offer and make them more appealing to people like you. To figure out the best course of action — which feature to add, which promotion to offer, etc. — they conduct research into their target market, which is anyone who might be interested in their product or service.

To conduct this research, they reach out to DISQO, which is our business-facing audience insights platform that works with researchers at the reputable brands you love.

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Every day, companies are looking for ways to improve the products and services they offer and make them more appealing for people like you. To figure out the best course of action — which feature to add, which promotion to offer, etc — they conduct research into the market, which is anyone who might be interested in their product or service.

To conduct this research, they reach out to DISQO, which is our business-facing consumer insights platform that works with researchers at the reputable brands you love.

Market research is not marketing.

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Market research is not marketing.

When you share your opinions and behaviors for market research purposes, your responses are compiled with everyone else who participated in a privacy-compliant way, enabling brands to create insights about their audience.

Your survey responses are collected directly by the researcher, and Survey Junkie encrypts any personally identifiable information that could be used to identify you.

What you can expect

What you can expect

At times, market research may include research into which advertising messages or visuals are the most appealing or effective. In these instances, we may show you an advertisement in either a survey setting or a natural setting (if you’ve elected to participate in Surf to Earn).

As with all other types of market research we enable, your responses and reactions to these ads shared in a privacy-compliant way. Personally identifiable information from you is masked with encryption.

Tell advertisers what you like

Share your opinion on ads directly with brands by taking surveys.

Show advertisers what works

Automatically influence brands based on your natural reactions.

At times, market research may include research into which advertising messages or visuals are the most appealing or effective. In these instances, we may show you an advertisement in either a survey setting or a natural setting (if you’ve elected to participate in Surf to Earn).

As with all other types of market research we enable, your responses and reactions to these ads are masked by encryption.

In other words

Every month, the opinions and behaviors you choose to share are compiled alongside those of millions of other Survey Junkie members. Collectively, this data helps researchers make better decisions about how to improve the products and services you use every day.

More information

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More information

As always, we are committed to protecting you and the information you choose to share. To review the specific scenarios wherein your data may be distributed with your informed consent, or in compliance with a law or legal matter — please check out the “How We Share Personal Information” section of the Survey Junkie Privacy Policy Page