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Ways to Participate

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When you choose to participate on Survey Junkie, you have many options about which communities you join and what information you share.

This page will break down your options for sharing with us as well as sharing with the market researchers who value your input.

The basics

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Privacy guaranteed

available on any device

Available on any device

get rewarded for your time

Rewarded for your time

influence the brand you love

Influence the brands you love

To provide a smooth user experience based on the device you’re using, ensure that your account is secure, and verify that the information you share is truly coming from you, a few things are collected every time you log in to Survey Junkie. This includes basic device and browser information, as well as your location. Additional information regarding the specifics are available on our policy page.

Your profile

take surveys and get rewards

To match you with studies that are relevant to your background and interests, Survey Junkie offers a number of profile questionnaires that you can fill out. People who have more complete profiles will be more accurately matched to survey opportunities.

Participation in each of these surveys is completely optional, and — like everything you do on the platform — you will be rewarded for your participation.

Complete your profile

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Take surveys

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Get rewards

take surveys and get rewards

How you share

When you join Survey Junkie, you can choose your level of participation.

share your opinion to earn points

SJ Opinion

Share your opinion via surveys and focus groups in exchange for rewards.

Learn more

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Take surveys

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Earn rewards


share your behavior to earn points

Surf to Earn

Automatically share digital browsing behaviors in exchange for rewards.

Learn more

Extra rewards

More options


Sharing your opinion

The most popular way most people participate on Survey Junkie is by sharing their perspectives in surveys. When your profile meets the preliminary criteria for a particular research study, you will see the survey within your Survey Junkie dashboard.

When you choose to participate in a survey, the information you provide is captured only by the entity conducting the survey.

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Your completion of the survey remains completely optional

optional survey completion

If you happen to decide you don’t want to answer the questions asked, that’s okay! Simply close the survey and choose something else from the Survey Junkie dashboard, if you’d like.

Please note that you will only receive the reward listed if you successfully complete the survey, so if you elect to withdraw from a study, you’ll no longer be eligible for its reward.

optional survey completion
share your behavior with Surf to Earn program

Surf to Earn

Sharing your behaviors

When you choose to join the Surf to Earn community — whether through installing the browser extension or opting in via the mobile app — you are joining a unique group within the SJ community that shares digital activity with us.

This digital activity includes things such as:

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What you search

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Websites you visit

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Shopping activity

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Ads you see

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Content you engage with

survey junkie account
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